Shabari Madappa

  Shabari Madappa

Shabari is a trained facilitator, executive coach and organization development consultant with 20 years of professional experience in HR & OD. She specializes in the field of change & transformation of individuals, teams and organizations. She has helped managers from across different cultures such as India, Sri Lanka, Australia, UK, USA and Singapore hone their leadership capabilities.

As a corporate professional, she experienced various challenging HR roles in successful Indian and multi- national organizations. As an independent consultant since 2008, her client engagements have been diverse & complex, focused on building human capability in the workplace. Shabari is trained in group dynamics and human processes and is a Fellow with Sumedhas Academy for Human Context (an organization that focuses on personal growth). She has certifications in facilitation (Moderation method and Technology of Participation) and in various psychometric instruments such as MBTI, Belbin team inventory, FIRO-B, McQuaig, SDI. She is also an Associate Coach with the Centre for Creative Leadership (CCL).